
07/30/24☆☆☆☆☆#FalloutFromTheGardenOfEdenDisruptingTheOrderOfNature: (2COR11.2-4; 13-15) Imperative that we use #RightDivision: the epistle of Paul (Romans-Philemon) and not the wisdom of men (1COR2.4-6; 10.31-33; 2TIM2.14-16).

☆Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ [#HeavenlyMinistryofReconciliation 2COR5.18-20 #ChristConservativePlatform 2COR5.15-17; 1COR3.9-11; ]

□CONSERVATIVE, a. Preservative; having power to preserve in a safe or entire state, or from loss, waste or injury [ Be Reconciled to God 2COR5.18-20; EPH1.12-14].    


2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you [Church Order and Communion].

3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God 1COR11.1-3.

☆Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence [Only teaching other women and children with the exception of evangelizing]

13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve 1TIM2.11-13.

Additional Revealed light ✨️

THE RIGHTEOUS REQUIREMENT OF GOD TODAY @ Paul’s epistle Romans-Philemon #ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation

#MysteryProgram (2COR5.18-20; EPH3.4-6; 2TIM2.14-16) @




#HowToWinTheRISENAscendedChrist (PHIL3.7-9)

#BeYeReconciledToGodWithoutWorks: Repentance, i.e. you can’t repent of something you never heard aka the declared gospel of Christ, nor calling on the name of the Lord or by confession.

#HearTheDeclaredGospel (1COR15.1-4) Be ye reconciled to God (2COR5.18-20) by the hearing of and application of faith therein without duplicity of mind ☆V2b By which also ye are saved and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (GAL3.1-3; 7-9; 12-14) without water baptism (1COR1.16-18; 12.12-14) @




Christ Reconciliation Ambassador (USA)

Licensed Min Al Strickland □ Put in HIS Given #OnlineWebMinistry #RightDivisionDoctrine #THEGRACECOMMISSION: (ROM16.24-27)

#ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation.   www.MinistryofReconciliation.world (USA)

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