07/24/24☆☆☆☆☆#TheJesusCult: total ignores the fact that JesusEarthlyMinistry along with the Kingdom gospel and the law has been postponed.

Now in this present dispensation of the grace of God, according to the apostle Paul as he received revelation from the RISEN Ascended Christ, the Body of Christ is to follow  only #ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation exclusively featuring the gospel of Christ found in the epistle penned by PaulRomans-Philemon (1COR15.1-4; 2COR5.15-17, 18-20; EPH1.17-23) #WonAndDone!#HowToWinTheRISENAscendedChrist...


#BREAKINGNEWSJesusEarthlyMinistryPostponed (2COR5.15-17)NOWIS #ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation (2COR5.18-20)#WonAndDone!#HowToWinTheRISENAscendedChrist (PHIL3.7-9)#BeYeReconciledToGodWithoutWorks: Repentance, i.e. you can't repent of something you never heard aka the declared gospel of Christ, nor calling on the name of the Lord or by confession.#HearTheDeclaredGospel (1COR15.1-4) Be ye reconciled to God (2COR5.18-20) by the hearing of and application of faith therein without duplicity of mind ☆V2b By...

07/14/24☆☆☆☆☆#ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation 2.0 (2 COR 5:18-20)

https://ministry ofreconciliation.world/appeal #THEGRACECOMMISSION (ROM16.24-27)#ChristMysteryProgram (EPH3.4-6; 13-15)☆Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ)5 Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;6 That the Gentiles should be...

07/16/24☆☆☆☆☆#ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation #MysteryProgram 2.0 (KJV) 

Found in the NT epistle of epistle of Christ Romans-Philemon 2COR3.1-6. Rightly Divided in context 2TIM2.14-16 written to the the Body of Christ GAL1.10-12 revealed to the apostle Paul by the RISEN Ascended Christ EPH1.17-23#BeYeReconciledGodByTheGodRevealed #THEGRACECOMMISSION: (ROM16.24-27)#HearTheDeclaredGospel 1COR15.1-4 Be reconciled to God by faith therein without duplicity of mind (☆V2)...

07/14/24☆☆☆☆☆#WhatMustIDoToBeSavedNothing physically everything mentally (ROM 7:24-8:1)…

Don't mix Jesus earthly ministry exclusively for the Jews which has been postponed with happening Now (2COR5.15-17) #ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation Featuring the mystery revealed glorious declared gospel of Christ (ROM1.15-17 ; 16.24-27; 1COR15.1-4). ByRightDivision (2TIM2.14-16): understanding revelation of what is already written (KJV) from the Source For A New Generation in the quickened...

07/04/24☆☆☆☆☆#TheBodyOfChristDoesntGetItsDoctrineFromActs 2.0

070524☆☆☆☆☆Acts is a transitional history book penned by Luke. In fact a word search of the word dispensation you will not find it in  Acts. Therein no such dispensation as the man made Mid-Acts.The doctrine of #ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation Given to the Body of Christ (2COR5.18-20) comes from Romans-Philemon (2COR3.1-6) penned by...

07/03/24☆☆☆☆☆#THEGRACECOMMISSON ©️ 2.0

062724☆☆☆☆☆#ByRightDivision:Additional Revelational light ✨️ EPH1.16-18 By Definition: (ROM1.15-17; 16.24-27; 1COR3.8-10; 2COR5.18-20; COL1.27-29).070524☆☆☆☆☆#SoWhatIsGrace?□GRACE, 5.  A state of reconciliation to God.□COMMISSION, 2.  The act of committing or sending to; the act of entrusting, as a charge or duty. □ Websters1828Dictionary Additional Revelational light ✨️ EPH1.16-18 #ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation https://ministryofreconciliation.world/appeal  042624☆☆☆☆☆☆#GraceCommissionTheAmbassadorsOfChristMakeKnownTheGospelOfChristToAllNations.(ROM1.15-17; 16.24-27) The mystery revealed glorious declared MY1COR15.1-4GOSPEL1GHT  (ROM16.25-27; 2COR4.5-7)...


#ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation #ByRightDivisionGameChanger(2TIM2.14-16): understanding revelation of what is already written (KJV) from the Source For A New Generation in the quickened spirit of a renewed mind (EPH1.16-18; 2.1-3; 4-6; 3.4-6; 4.22-24; 29-31; TITUS3.4-6).070124☆☆☆☆☆#GameOverJesusEarthlyMinistryPostponed (2COR5.15-17) revelation of #ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation. □ Jesus Earthly Ministry exclusively for the nation Israel postponed as well as the Kingdom gospel;...

CAVEAT:  □The Body of Christ gets its doctrine Rightly Divided

CAVEAT:  □The Body of Christ gets its doctrine Rightly Divided...According to the epistle of Christ: Romans-Philemon (2COR3.1-6; 2TIM2.14-16) use of the (KJV) exclusively as many as be reconciled to God can claim this through the hearing and application of faith  in...□The mystery revealed glorious declared MyGospel✨️light for the illumination and...