(EPH3.4-6)Written by Kopiyo Felix:THE TWO PROGRAMS IN GOD’S WORDGenesis 1:1 KJV, the first verse in the Bible, reads: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” God divides the heaven from the earth. (This is true even at the end of the Bible, in Revelation 21:1.) Furthermore,...
#ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation KJV (2COR5.18-20)☆☆☆☆☆#TheBlindLeadingTheBlindToTheirDamnation (2THES2.10-12)Even though JesusEarthlyMinistry for Israel has been postponed (ROM11.24-25) you have the blind leading the blind (2COR3.12-15; 4.3-5) to the tribulation and the pending White Throne Judgement for sentencing in the lake of fire in essence utterly damned for all eternity. Because they failed to rightly divide past...
09/09/24☆☆☆☆☆#CongratulationsWeHaveHitAnotherMilestone As We Labor Together With God He Gives The Increase (1COR3.6-10)
#ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation (2COR5.18-20)□Now it is official 1, 500, 689 people to date have had the opportunity to be reconciled to God by literally hearing the declared gospel of Christ (1COR15.1-4) via voice clip for their comprehension and application of faith (EPH1.12-14). Blessings.Christ Reconciliation Ambassador (USA)Licensed Min Al Strickland □ in HIS...
#StudyAndShare (2TIM2.14-16; COL4.4-6)
NOT TO DEBATE BUT TO EDUCATE#ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation (2COR5.18-20) #MysteryOfChristProgram (EPH3.4-6) #THEGRACECOMMISSION (ROM16.24-27)082824☆☆☆☆☆#FlyerTeamBusinessCommentary #THEGRACECOMMISSION...By Right Division (2TIM2.14-16) ☆V26 according to the commandment [1COR15.1-4] of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the [hearing of and] obedience of [the spirit of] faith ROM16.24-27: @□Commentary:I am (Minister Strickland) representing *#ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation* online. Where we have been able to...