CULT, asystemofreligious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
- a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.
“a network of Satan-worshiping cults” [2COR11.13-15] -Google
Now in this present dispensation of the grace of God, according to the apostle Paul as he received revelation from the RISEN Ascended Christ, the Body of Christ is to follow only #ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation exclusively featuring the gospel of Christ found in the epistle penned by Paul Romans-Philemon KJV (1COR15.1-4; 2COR5.15-17, 18-20; EPH1.17-23)
#HowToWinTheRISENAscendedChrist (PHIL3.7-9)
#BeYeReconciledToGodWithoutWorks: Repentance, i.e. you can’t repent of something you never heard aka the declared gospel of Christ, nor calling on the name of the Lord or by confession.
#HearTheDeclaredGospel (1COR15.1-4) Be ye reconciled to God (2COR5.18-20) by the hearing of and application of faith therein without duplicity of mind ☆V2b By which also ye are saved and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (GAL3.1-3; 7-9; 12-14) without water baptism (1COR1.16-18; 12.12-14) @
Christ Reconciliation Ambassador (USA)
Licensed Min Al Strickland □ Put in HIS Given #OnlineWebMinistry #RightDivisionDoctrine #THEGRACECOMMISSION: (ROM16.24-27)
#ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation. (USA)
God Ordained Evangelistic Faith Franchise.
1.4million plus heard the Gospel of Christ