04/22/24☆☆☆☆☆#LatestRevelationForANewGeneration (EPH 1:16-18).

gg no re (Good Game, No Rematch)

☆V15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it COL 2:13-15.

☆V10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel [1 COR 15:1-4; 2 COR 4:5-7] 2 TIM 1:9-11:

#NotOldSchoolSelfRighteousness (ROM 10:1-5; GAL 3:23-25)


CAVEAT: □The Body of Christ gets its doctrine Rightly Divided…According to the epistle of Christ: Romans-Philemon (2 COR 3:1-6; 2 TIM 2:14-16) use of the (KJV) exclusively as many as be reconciled to God can claim this through the hearing and application of faith in…


The Glorious MyGospel✨️light (2 COR 4:5-7; GAL 3:7-9): The Unadultrated (KJV) [gospel of Christ: genuine; pure (1 COR 15:1-4). Not Corrupted; debased by a mixture with something of less value 2 COR 3:9-11].


The Righteous Requirement of God Today (1 COR 15:1-4) (ROM 16:25-27) Be ye reconciled to God (ROM 5:8-11) (2 COR 5:19-21) Via the God revealed NT CONCISE 5MIN INTERNATIONAL APPEAL INSTRUCTIONS (KJV) (EPH 1:12-14; 2:8-10) The key to life eternal ROM 5:20-21 is found in taking HIS #OnlineWeb



⚠️WARNING (COL 1:27-29): To be willingly ignorant and to go about to establish your own righteousness (ROM 10:2-4) will have eternal consequences with the White Throne Judgement pending. Therein an even greater danger in having heard the gospel of Christ 1 COR 15:1-4 and not believing (2 THES 2:10-12). This may be your one last chance to be reconciled to God before the “Rapture” (1 THES 4:16-18).



Christ Reconciliation Ambassador

Licensed Min Al Strickland □ in HIS Given #OnlineWebMinistry #TheGraceCommission:


God Ordained Evangelistic Faith Franchise.

1.3million plus served the Gospel of Christ


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