Lead Ambassador for Christ Asia
As an Ambassador for Christ, I minister the revealed CONCISE 5min INTERNATIONAL APPEAL
featuring MY1 COR 15:1-4 GOSPEL of the apostle Paul. Which is dedicated to excellence within
the communique of the determined gospel according to the RISEN Christ and accurate
biblical training according to right division 2 Tim 2:15. The main focus is teach people to be
reconciled to God by the obedience of faith in MY 1 COR15:1-4 GOSPEL and by the
performance of the Spirit of Christ begin life as a new creature made the righteousness of
God by faith ROM 3:20-25; TITUS 3:5. Having received the Spirit of Christ sealed for life and
filled with the Spirit of God for living and ministry. So as to understand and live out the will
of God in practical ways according to power and performance of the Spirit of Christ in them
ROM 8:4; EPH 3:20-21; PHIL 2:13. Therein even as we have been blessed practically to be a
blessing to others who are less fortunate in tangible ways both spiritually and tangible
PHIL 4:19. This ministry emphasizes the training in Scripture because it educates us about the
God of creation; the universe, humans, the death and resurrection of Christ 1 COR 15:1-4 and
a to live practical yet challenging life in a fallen world. God’s need an understanding of His
Word as the way to live according to the spirit of His will.
HIS ministry of reconciliation is providing ambassadorship training sessions of scriptures
regularly. Ambassadors of Christ have been known not to place charge on their services
while ministering unto others (1 COR 9:14; GAL6:6). Often times they take food out of their
own family mouths to feed a few. Ambassadors rely on the RISEN to make manifest in
tangible ways HIS riches out glory PHIL 4:19.
The Ministry of Reconciliation is primarily and entirely based on the contributions of others.
Ambassadors are traveling from town to town proclaiming the word of reconciliation. With
your help you will have an instantaneous on the lives of many today. That’s a superb goagain-on investment

The grace-giving method we deliver with an open hand, from the bounty of our private
resources, to help increase God’s work within the lives of others. This grace-giving mindset is
prepared forth with in the Bible. The apostle Paul has become supported financially with the
useful resource of the usage of Christians who gave to his ministry (2 Cor 9:1-15). Those who
gave to him helped increase the gospel and biblical training. Paul described their giving
needed to be with the right mindset, as he wrote, “Each one needs to do absolutely as he
has purposed in his heart, now not grudgingly or underneath compulsion, for God loves a
satisfied giver” (2 Cor 9:7).
Though there can be no charge to visit this website and everything is free of cost, to
move forward please sow a seed in the ministry. The donations on this page are
accepted throughout the year. Donations to this ministry are used for various projects
which include the purchase of Bibles, printing brochures, books, notebooks,
stationery, whiteboard, feeding the hungry and to run the Sunday schools etc.
Looking Forward for your positive response.
Contact information
Chief Ambassador for Christ Christ Africa
Alfred Strickland
Lead Ambassador for Christ Asia
Shahrukh Samuel