07/14/24☆☆☆☆☆#WhatMustIDoToBeSavedNothing physically everything mentally (ROM 7:24-8:1)…

Don’t mix Jesus earthly ministry exclusively for the Jews which has been postponed with happening Now (2COR5.15-17) #ChristHeavenlyMinistryOfReconciliation Featuring the mystery revealed glorious declared gospel of Christ (ROM1.15-17 ; 16.24-27; 1COR15.1-4).
ByRightDivision (2TIM2.14-16): understanding revelation of what is already written (KJV) from the Source For A New Generation in the quickened spirit of a renewed mind (EPH1.16-18; 2.1-3; 4-6; 3.4-6; 4.22-24; 29-31; TITUS3.4-6).
Additional Revealed light ✨️
THE RIGHTEOUS REQUIREMENT OF GOD TODAY @ Paul’s epistle Romans-Philemon #MysteryProgram (2COR3.1-6; EPH3.4-6; 2TIM2.14-16)
#HowToWinTheRISENAscendedChrist (PHIL3.7-9)
#BeYeReconciledToGodWithoutWorks: Repentance, i.e. you can’t repent of something you never heard aka the declared gospel of Christ, nor calling on the name of the Lord or by confession. 
#HearTheDeclaredGospel (1COR15.1-4) Be ye reconciled to God (2COR5.18-20) by the hearing of and application of faith therein without duplicity of mind ☆V2b By which also ye are saved and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (GAL3.1-3; 7-9; 12-14) without water baptism (1COR1.16-18; 12.12-14) 
Christ Reconciliation Ambassador (USA)
Licensed Min Al Strickland □ Put in HIS Given #OnlineWebMinistry #RightDivisionDoctrine #THEGRACECOMMISSION: (ROM16.24-27)
www.MinistryofReconciliation.world (USA)
God Ordained Evangelistic Faith Franchise.
1.4million plus heard the Gospel of Christ

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